Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance.
I am very sure that you would have heard about the subject of gratitude an umpteenth time.
What exactly should we be grateful for?
I will like to share with you a funny experience I had with my mum about nine years ago.
I attended eight schools right from my nursery education to my secondary education. When I was resuming at the eighth school the colour of footwear required was brown as opposed to all the other schools I had attended where we wore black shoes. My mum had to go to the market to shop for 2 pairs of brown shoes.
This is the fun part right here, my mum got back that evening at almost 7 pm West Africa Time (WAT) very exhausted and also happy. I heard her call my name with so much excitement to check the shoes she bought for me. I rushed out of my room to see her in the living room and guess what? At the sight of the shoes, I went blank for a few minutes. I then said “Mum these shoes don’t look so good”, I further said “These shoes look like a pastor’s shoe”, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
My mum got angry and felt very unappreciated. She told me that she was never going to buy me anything again. I knew she said it out of anger because she has bought a lot of things for me after then. If I knew better, there should have been a wiser way to communicate my preference and still appreciate her efforts. I sort of feel that she forgave me easily because she was my mum, what if it was a stranger?
This shows that as humans, we always want to be appreciated when we render help to others.
The subject of gratitude I will be touching on in this piece will not directly speak to the appreciation you show toward others but the appreciation of the things that you have at the moment.
I thoughtfully put this piece together to help you understand the relevance of gratitude and how it can launch you into more and positively impact your health.
What Does Gratitude Mean To You?
The term gratitude does not have a generally accepted definition but based on what we understand the different definitions reflect the same intent.
Gratitude can be said to be a strong feeling of appreciation to someone for what the person has done for you or thankfulness for what you have at the moment. The feeling of gratitude can be expressed in thankfulness.
Showing gratitude for what you have is so important because it connects you to the abundance in the world.
Gratitude Launches You Into More
Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will attract much better things. — Rhonda Byrne
Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial to acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” — Melody Beattie
The act of ingratitude has a huge impact on your soul. The state of your soul is very fundamental to the forces that you attract into your life. It is so true that what you focus on and pay so much attention to expands.
Let’s paint a scenario of a missing child who was wearing blue shirts. In the cause of the search, the people searching will begin to notice a lot of people wearing blue shirts because the attention and focus are on the search for the missing child.
In the same vein, if you want to launch into more, you have to focus on what you have and not what you don’t have. You have to acknowledge your accomplishment thus far and not the things that didn’t work out well. You have to feed your soul with the right seeds so that it can produce and attract abundance in your direction.
If you are fond of always complaining and murmuring on what is not working in your life or how bad things have been for you, I need you to stop it real quick, I mean right now. It’s not helpful for you to think that way, it is a big hindrance to the things you desire.
Showing gratitude consistently might not happen immediately, you will have to start training yourself to show and express gratitude for what you have. This will reflect on how you perceive yourself, how you perceive others and how you perceive the world. There is this unexplainable energy you let loose when you are thankful for what you have that draws what you desire towards you.
I know you have heard this over and over again, but can you just try it this one time and see how it works?
The Impact Of Gratitude On Your Health And Well Being
Harvard Health Publishing shared a research case below that shows the impact of gratitude on health and overall wellness.
Two psychologists, Dr Robert A.Emmons of the University of Califonia, Davis and Dr Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami, carried out this research on gratitude. In one study, they asked all participants to write a few sentences each week focusing on particular topics.
One group wrote about the things they were grateful for that occurred during the week. A second group wrote about daily irritations or things that had displeased them and the third group wrote about events that had affected them (with no emphasis on being positive or negative).
After 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. They also had fewer visits to physicians than those who focused on sources of aggravation.
By engaging in gratitude, you can relieve yourself a lot of unnecessary physical and mental stress. I am telling you this because it works and it has worked for me.
Start Showing Gratitude For What You Have
If you don’t build a structure around showing gratitude, chances are that you will rarely show gratitude for the things you have. So you might want to decide to show gratitude at the end of every working week or fortnightly or monthly, whichever works for you. Showing gratitude for the things I have weekly works perfectly for me.
Building a structure around showing gratitude ascertains that you are consistent with it and in no time, showing gratitude becomes a habit that you run your life on and produces abundance for you.
Hmmm… “What if there is nothing to be grateful for?”
That’s very untrue, there is always something to be grateful for.
You can be grateful for the relationships you have, the air you breathe, the food you eat, the peace you have, the decisions you have made, how far you have come, the habits you have built, the support or help you have received and the list is endless.
If you are very thoughtful, there is always something to be grateful for.
Can you grab your notepad and write at least 5 things you are grateful for?
I love you and I want you to come into more, start showing gratitude!