Plan To Enjoy Yourself, You Deserve It.
I learnt a couple of months ago that your personality type affects your spending pattern. You could be an:
1. Amasser
2. Hoarder
3. Spender
4. Money Honk
5. Avoider
I took the money personality quiz and it reflects that I am an amasser.
Being an amasser shows that you are happiest when you have large amounts of money at your disposal to spend, to save, and/or to invest.
What are Your Money Priorities?
There are a lot of factors that must have informed your sense of judgment about your priorities, especially when it comes to spending money on yourself.
I had a very different perspective about spending money on myself based on my upbringing. We were taught that there are very important things to spend on, if it wasn’t important, it was discarded. In 2010, while I was still in secondary school, I remembered a day I was preparing to go back to school.
As the culture was, we usually gave my dad a list of the items we needed. I wanted to take a drink to school which was on the list. My dad went through the list and then asked if it was a textbook and I responded that it was a drink, he cancelled it out immediately. I had to grow and learn that it was okay for me to buy a drink for myself as opposed to how my dad taught me.
The subject of growth is important in all areas of life including your finances because it causes you to evolve into better versions of yourself that you have never seen before. The major factor that influenced my growth is knowledge.
Should You Spend Or Save?
If you are like me, saving money comes so easy. I don’t need a standing order to save, it’s just at the centre of my head.
In retrospect, there was something I didn’t fully understand which was the fact that “You don’t save what you should spend and you don’t spend what you should save” — the subject of balance.
The understanding of this changed my saving and spending pattern. When you save what you should spend, you might not be taking care of yourself and the people around you.
When you spend what you should save, you are not building a habit to multiply money.
It Makes A Lot Of Sense To Plan And Budget For Enjoyment
I can imagine what is running through your head right now, you are asking why you have to plan to enjoy yourself. Yes, you should because it shows that you take yourself very seriously.
The little but very vital tip I want to share with you is the subject of having a PLAY ACCOUNT.
The Subject Of A Play Account
I learnt this subject from T.Harv Eker the author of the best selling “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. He shared extensively on how having a play account can impact on your money mindset.
A play account is a particular account set aside where you put in a particular amount of money (10% as recommended by T.Harv Eker)for nurturing yourself — to do the things you would not do normally.
He says that some people save, save, save and while their logical and responsible self is fulfilled, their “inner-spirit” is not. Eventually, this “fun-seeking” side will say, I’ve had enough. I want some attention too, and they sabotage their results. This is the reason you should consider a play account — for balance.
The play account rule is that it must be spent every month. You have to blow all the money in that account every month in a way that makes you feel rich.
I have been using T.Harv Eker’s proposed money plan for over 1 year and it has helped me to spend comfortably what I would have saved without feeling guilty.
Start Enjoying Yourself
You deserve beautiful, sweet and comfortable things…in my own words, you deserve to be spoilt. I love to enjoy myself and one thing that helps me to plan is having a “play account list” — this means that I have a list of things I want to do with the money that goes into my play account even before it comes.
I advise you do the same, enjoyment means different things to different people. Enjoyment may mean going on vacation, trying new delicacies, taking your friends out, having a “ME” time in an exquisite hotel…whatever it is go for it. What you notice is as your financial capacity increases, your play account also increases.
I’m rooting for you, I felt it was necessary to share this with you so you can enjoy yourself intentionally while multiplying money.
I want you to enjoy your life.
Cheers to a lot of intentional enjoyment!